Sunday, March 27, 2011

Now It's happening In Jordan !!!?

So from what I read on many blogs and watching some videos on youtube I came up with these conclusion: 

  • Peaceful youth protesting In Dwar Aldakhlyeh suddenly some policemen attacked them and killed some !!
  • Now the government is Blaming the Islamic Brotherhood for organizing these protests !!
  • The protesters r betrayers and have hidden agenda ?!!! and they should be treated with the arm of Iron ?!!
correct me If I am wrong !!!??!! and If I am not !! where is the Jordanian government has been the last 4 months ??! repeating the same scenarios we've seen and heard in 4 Arabic countries till now ??! 

This is really Outrageous .... the government still think that Jordanian youth r stupid and should be oppressed ! they should watch more TV and think Again !


Whisper said...

للاسف هاد اللي صار...جد اشي بصدم
يعني مش هيك الاستخفاف بعقول الشعب....
كتير زودوها

sheeshany said...

وزير الداخلية يعود مصابي الأمن العام وقوات الدرك

enough said ...

SimSim said...

wallahe never thought things go that ugly in Jordan !! wallahee 3eebb !!