Thursday, October 15, 2009

BAD/09 ..... How can I help !!?

On this day we as Jordanians should start thinking seriously about what is going on in the globe - Regarding the climate change .... we have to understand that we r part of this world and it is effecting us, sadly it will have worst effect on our kids .....

honestly sometimes i think what ever good things we do or bad things we prevent might not have that major effect; compared to the enormous pollution big countries cause, not to forget weapons used in wars .... which has the worst effect especially in our region ..... but if we keep thinking positively then things will get worst ...... we have to start each one with him self and the people around .... by spreading the awareness and the importance of individual actions can be  ..... 

we have to start with our kids, the young minds ..... it worked for me in a personal experience ... when i was in the 8th grade we worked on collecting 1 million signature to never through a paper in the street and to keep the country clean, I kept my promise and feel sick when people ruin their homeland with dirt, maybe that was a small action but I grew up caring about my environment and caring to know more.... 

Most Importantly We have to start with our students, we need to educate them how valuable they r and their behavior could be, not to forget teaching them ways to help their planet .... the cause and the action should be taken 

I am saying this because it's my territory;I feel responsible because I am back to teaching ...... this time I will be teaching 6th and 7th grades ... old enough to understand and to interfere .. I will commit giving those students at least 5 minutes in my class lecturing them about their environment in an interesting way and to explain the global worming and how effective and significant they could be on this cause ..... 

sure I have to educate my self as well and make them suggest what things they can do ..... I will do my best to implant the Idea and make them eager to know more ..... maybe making it their life style .....

I will also ask other teachers to do so ..... taking it step by step ..... 

at least If we can't do anything major like preventing big countries from their bad impact on our planet or stopping the war that is killing us and our land; maybe the green minds will do ..... 

It's a dream We just have to work on .....

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