Tuesday, August 04, 2009

ما عجــــبني !!

انا من اشد المعجبين بالفنان عماد حجاج لكن لم استطع تفسير ما أراده من الكاريكاتير التالي بشكل واضح ...... هل يريد ان يقول بأن العالم وصل الفضاء الخارجي بينما نحن لا زلنا نفجر انفسنا (اي طريقة بدائية بمفهومه؟) لنصل لما نريد !! المهم كل الكاريكاتير ما عجبني

published in: 24/7/2009


soreal said...

i think he means that we speak a language that nobody understands...

SimSim said...

or every body is talking a language that We don't understand !!?

I don't know ..... maybe

Anonymous said...

I Think Emad Hajjaj is disappointed now bcoz Dubai has lunched its firs satellite, Dubai SAT I

SimSim said...

why would he be ?

I don't think so

soreal said...

you know, the more i look at this, the more i come up with possible interpretations which contradict each other!

so to day i made up my mind: i actually wrote to 3emad about it... do you think he ll reply back :P

SimSim said...

soreal: walla I don't know but if he did plz inform me with what he will say .... don't u forget ! :D

Haitham Seelawi said...

SIMSIM it is what u thought actually!