Monday, March 10, 2008

Why Palestinians r being called Baljekyeen ?

I asked my mother and different people many times, their respond always the same ! because they used to send milk to feed the refugees and the children when we were being kicked out from Palestine by the Zionists; so we were raised by a Belgium milk loool others said because baljika is the only country who supported Palestine and still supporting it; politically I mean ..
so do u know another reason why Palestinians r being called baljekyeen ?

I don't like it by the way ... I may laugh when i hear it but I don't like to ...


ĐàŋdŎöŅёH said...

funny ,when i first heard this mostala7 a friend of mine wanted to propose to a jordanian girl so he said "fikrik bti2bal b-baljiki"i was like 0_o ino leish inta baljiki ?? he said leish inti sho !!!
then i knew that they call us this way with no reason .. :)

Anonymous said...

According to my father, Palestenians are called Baljeekeyeen because they received tents (after the war) that are "Made in Belgium".

SimSim said...

dandooneh: and u didn't ask why ? really with no reason ? :D

SimSim said...

adel: just like what my mam told me :D but she said something about the milk ... it's really funny

Anonymous said...

also because of the light weapons and uniforms the PLO had during the resistance days where mostly Belgium-made.

Qabbani said...

what i know its related to the Bostaar

lama kano ye shofo al jar7a kano yemazo al Pal men al Bostar if its Belgium they know he's a PAl guy

Anonymous said...

Well I really don't appreciate one calling us this way, I hate this term. :@

Well, according to my mom, we're called this way because the boots that were sent lal feda2yeh were made in Belgium, I don't really know!!

Isam said...

Anonymous was right as far as i know ... it was the uniform and the shoes ... thats what i heard ...

Anonymous said...

hahahahaha...adeesh ele 3ayesh hoon...awal marra asma3ha !!
7aleeb balguiki...wallah sedde kan ma3zooz mnee7 yeb2a !!

Adoosh said...

I heard the same story as Qabbani's, enno during the black-september clashes here in Jordan they used to recognize the Pal dead bodies from the Jor ones by examining the Bos6ar, where the pal's was made in Belgium while the Jor's was made in the states :D

Madi said...

Baljikyeh is an interesting term some people take it seriously as an insult other take is as a joke; one of my friend have always had "Baljiki" as his nickname online ending up having his name on our phone book as "Baljiki" but it's just a joke between us.

Anonymous said...

After the September incidents a lot of the Palestinian detainees were tortured by sinking their heads in a water bucket simulating drowning. This process was known as "wetting" the prisoner. So the interrogator would yell to the torturer "wet him first until I can join you" OR
"Bill tajeek"
which later morphed to

Diana said...

that was quite informative
first time I hear of this term :D

SimSim said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
SimSim said...

Anonymous, qabbani $ isam:
waaaaw all what u said guy r very interesting .... really Interesting !!!

this boots thing first time to hear !!

jasim: I hate it too

SimSim said...

sharif: haa wella la3aad mdallaleen 2e7naa 7ataa w 2e7naa msha7areen :D

adoosh: waaaw :D walla first time to hear that i have to tell mam :D 7atta in the boots usa is against us :D

SimSim said...

jad: for me I take it as insult and as u said some people don't in fact they take it as an honor i don't know why !

Anonymous: seriously ?!!!
this is the weirdest explanation I have ever heard till now !!

Diana: w yamaa 7atesma3ee :D we r interesting species :D

Amjad Wadi said...

LooooooooooL simsim ..

what came to your mind to raise this issue:)

I use it with my friends .. only close ones whom i know very well. I know some people feel bad about it.

SimSim said...

amjad: nice to see u here again zaman 3annak :)

i wanted to talk about it long time ago but kept postponing it, I was curious to know ....

if it's ok with them then why not

Anonymous said...

It's funny that no one remembers that had Palestine not been divided into two part, there would've been no people claiming that they're from Jordanian origins.
Or have we all been brain washed that we forgot that the east and the west banks on the sides of the river are both Palestinian in origin?? :)

SimSim said...

anonymous: ok lets say we r all Arabs that would be better :)

Amjad Wadi said...

It is ok from me :) because they know me, and because we joke around with so many things .. except the forbidden :-)

Anonymous said...

according to Jim i mean my father because Jordanians suck.

