I laughed As much as I cried yesterday .... here is what happened !! I was setting with a friend of mine at work talking and checking my mobile laughing at a joke my sis sent me, after that every thing froze I guess my mind was some where else
…. Then I left work in a hurry …. When I reached home I checked my bucket looking for my mobile to change it to general because I put it silent at work …. Hyeee where is my mobile ?!!!! and it happened that I am not a calm person I just went crazy !! I must have forgotten it at work !! tried to call my mobile but hyee it’s silent OMG what should I do ? the good thing is that the school I work in is very close to my house so I can walk there ….

It takes 10 min walking I must have been there in about 10 sec. lool my face was almost black searching in that room we were setting in ….. and the administration team were there !! I told them about it and if any body found it … the principle told me he will see the kids whom been in the room and called the supervisor ….
In another word 3ajaget el denyeeh looool ok it’s not at school maybe my friend found it and kept it with her and her house is also very close to the school …. I entered her house and all her family were there … plz I want Rasha …. U r Asma ? the one she keeps talking about ? ….
I said nothing to any body (they must have said what a rude person she is) I went to her room and started crying !!!! Yes !!! although I am not that person who cries easily !!! I love that mobile !! it’s a very precious gift from my brother and besides it has so many messages that I kept for eternity I don’t want to lose it !!!! I kept calling from my father’s mobile and the mobile is ringing ok this is a good thing !! she can’t remember either I put it in my bucket, my bag or left it there !! I have to go home !!! when I reached home I kept looking again in my room and between my thing and !!!! here u r !!!!! it was among my things !!! but since I am a very disorganized person I through every thing when come back home (that was my punishment) it was there on the chair with all my things …but I expected the worst .. .
I know !!! when I think of it again I just don’t find a word to describe what happened but today I lied to the principle and told him my friend found it and kept it with her loooool I couldn’t tell him I think I lost my mind
At night my brother called and I told him about what happened he said Oh god I would sent u a better one !!! but no this one is very precious …. 2 months old but hold great memories that I want to last for ever !!
loool simsim it happens the whole time with me ,specially the car keys hehe
since i have this big bag and the manager call it "one bedroom" :P
Girls :P
Dandooneh: I don't know if Clumsy is a word that I can describe my self with looool
Qabbani: I KNow :P betseresh ma3kom ya3nee ? :D
Try forgetting it 3ind koshok ahweh 3al sa3a 2:00 A.M., then tell me about getting crazy. :@
Jasim: looooooooooool and u found it ???
OMG looooooooooooooool mday3eeeeeeeeeen
Well the koshok is 15 minutes walking from our house, but I was really masroo3 so I took a taxi, he charged me for 1.5 JD ibn el kalb. I found it in my friend's car elli kan elli sa3a barren 3alaih o ma 3am yerod 3alai, but then I had to go home, ya3ni sarat el sa3a 2:30 A.M. and took another taxi, o ibn el kalb el tani a5ad 2 JDs o dalait mfales la a5er el shahar.
Kan nefsi ado2 el phone bil 7ait. :@
Wala 7abeh :D
LOL simsim! This happened to me with my car keys kaman was too shy to admit they were in my purse all along. I made special places for everything in my purse so I know where to look lol.. problem semi-solved now I need to work on my head el "khozo2" :sigh:
lol@ Jasim!
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Jasim: looooool mo'3amaraaat bas walll 15 min b 1.5 w 2 JD wall 3alehom !!
laa walla ana bas shofet mobaylee bostoo looool
DMW: haay elmarra ma3ak 7aaaaa2 loooooooooooool
batoul: walla shoo ma ne3mal bas zay maa 2oltee elmo5 msaker kol eshee bedee3 :D
mp3 e mp4: thanx for ur comment but where r u from ? i understood nothing from ur blog :D
mafsoomeh zayyi!! this is why i love you.
the same thing happened to me, but it was my wallet not my phone, and many things led to me thinking that it was stolen at the mall, and i went to the police station to report it kaman hehehehehehe.
Suhad: loooooooooooooooool and u found it in ur bag ?!!! wallaa masa6eeel loooool
miss u loaaaadeeeesss
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