My elder sister Enas used to be addicted to songs in the 80's; so mostly when I hear a song from this era i start to sing with it or the rhythm seems very familiar althu I was like 6 or 7 in that time .... elmohem I heard this song on TV and I couldn't stop repeating it in my mind, I had to find it ….. after I did it felt just like yesterday when I saw the Video ....
maqdamhaaa !!! bas fay3aa kteer for dancing .... don't u think ? 

fel 80's
wade7 ino kano fahmeen el denia ghalat !!
actually...till now !!
bas bardo these days music betdal ahwan !
I know it, and I like it. :)
Yeah I'm a fan of some oldies. Ahh those were the days. Actually I haven't lived them but I hear they say it. :D
sharifo: leesh ? :D
walla fee songs raw3aa that time bas esma3 :D
Jasim: there r so many nice songs in that time and crazy too :D
80's had the BEST music!
Batoul: indeeeed
I lived my whole childhood in the 80's, and it has the best music ever, in the 90's music dropped from bad to worst with all those techno's, boy bands, hip hop... even the greatest artist of the 80's start producing crap (e.g. Michael Jackson, Madonna, Duran Duran).. and best music from the 80's came from the UK.. it's always better then American music
The 70's music is the second best :)
If you like great rock hits listen to my playlist collection:
Ghassan: I also remember Michael Jackson he had some wonderful songs that time !!
sure I will soon :)
and welcome here
Jad ... wow!! Haven't heard that one in .... 20 years!!? LOL!
Qwaider: I know :D it's very very old
bas 7elweh right ? :D
definitely on of my most favorites song .. thx
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