I wake up in the morning eyes closed walking directly to the kitchen boiling some water just to make my morning coffee or let me be more specific .... my Nescafe cup .... and it's not black ... I like it with cream and sugar, recently i started to make it with milk to be less harmful on my stomach (or this is what I thought) and be more nutritious ... (yes a doctor once told me u r forbidden from drinking caffeine, it effects ur nerves and irritates ur stomach)
but did I listen !! NO
my mother begged me many times to stop drinking Nescafe because it really makes me nervous and less my appetite !! -as If I need this- but I just can't go on in the morning without it !! yesterday a very dear person to me also begged me to stop drinking any caffeine related drinks .... u r a nervous person in nature with caffiene what will happen to u ? although it will be hard for me especially in the morning !! OH god today I ate 3 bars of chocolate loooooooool does it count !!! but honestly i felt more calm during the day .....
what about the Turkish coffee is it as harmful as American coffee ?!!
I want caffeine !!!!!

Yikes! you're brave. Yeah cant cut on that, you'll probably come back to it soon too (so supportive lol) but seriously do your best to cut down, dont deprive yourself either. You're going to a have a caffeine shock (or at least thats what I think lol) so a cup a day couldn't kill and will keep you from the crave. I had my cup today now I should shut up, focus, and go on....
And you're reading Sophie's World for JG! I loved that book... tell me what you think when you're done!!! ;)
did u stop the Hooka ?
or still on it too :P
Replace it with fresh juices Simsim. Keep drinking fresh juice as much as you can during the day, it will wash out the caffeine from your body and smoothen your mood as well..
(I'm writing this while I'm drinking my super large morning mug of black nescafe :D)
ana kaman bafakker to quit caffiene...bas emta ??
Batoul: I cheated today :sc: but I do have one cup per day walla :shy:
yaaa I've been reading it since ever :D I still have 150 pages bas mesh la2yeeh wa2et a5alsoo :( and sure I will tell u ..... the ending !! does it worth the time ? :D
Qabbani: what is Hooka ? :confused:
adoosh: loooooooool w ana sada2et looool
bedde monabehaaaaaaat fresh juice benayem bezyadeh :D
abed: yalla with me benshaje3 ba3ad :D ana 5ayfeh ne6la3 ahmal meen ba3ad loool
Everyone has their own addiction, sometimes it's physical, sometimes mental, sometimes both. It seems that psychologically we need to have something constant that we depend on, something that ties one day to the next.
Anyway, it's a good thing you got a relatively simple addiction (as far as I know)! Good luck!
I can't leave without my morning coffee, I just can't. As for me, I prefer it plain black, just coffee and hot water. :D
Anyway, you're doing the right thing by not drinking it anymore, howeh sa7 akam min youm o ra7 tseeri na3saneh all day long, but btit3awadi.
Ya Allah ma azka el ahwe 3al sobe7. :D
I do like Nescafee ,,
ana modmeneh nescafe w bardo my mum asked me many times to stop drinking it !!! but I could not !
bas the day without Nescafe not a day !!! hehehe !!!
eshrabi turkish coffee ,, I think its good :) lol......
kolo monabeeehaaat ,,
hope seeing u in my blog :)
have anice day :)
that guy: i used to be addicted on argeleh but not any more and now on caffeine but hope so not any more but it will be problem if I got addicted on something bad after I quit nescafi :D
Jasim: shoo ennak sherrreeer
I am not doing good; I had cup this morning :shy:
elmoshkeleh enne saherra w bas7aa badree :(
razan: btet'3azalee bel coffeeee loool u r not helping !!! looool
I do come to ur blog sweetie bas kalamek ma ba3doo kalam ba3rafesh shoo a7kee azwad meen elle bte7kee but sure I will be there always :)
Now that is the impossible!
If u do it..u'll be the woman..who..ahh..did the impossible...
mr. anonymous: OMG if u challenge me then definitely I will Do IT !!! :D
Hooka = Argeeleh :)
Qabbani: yeeee zamaaaaan !!! and my friend get chocked every time we go out ... enno I quit it for GOOD !! although I used to be addicted :D
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