U can never ask this question to any body because he/she will say sure I do but 70 % don't .. (even if they told some one u don't know, then they r not keepers) ... Only experience make u know
There r signs to show they will not keep ur secret for them selves ....
The ultimate sign is when this person start telling u about other people's secrets (without u ask for) ... then u know for sure he/she is telling every body about ur's ... even if u don't know those people which means (in his/her opinion) no harm done but still they r not him/her to tell !
And sure when u start to hear all the details in ur life from others .... OMG it's a devastating feeling ....
when anybody tells u something about them while they think no body knows - but u do- ... try to be surprised because telling this person u already know about it makes him/her feel very bad .... with giving a small advice to chose the right person to tell but not in a direct way ....
About the last pragraph, that's very considerate, I would never have even considerd pretending I didn't know. Keep up the good work :)
hani: because I've been in that situation I know how hard it is so I don't want any body to have the same experience ...
thanx and u r welcomed :)
باختصار من نم لك نم عليك
Diana: Exactly !
من اعطيتَ له سراً كنت له عبداً
Qwaider: mmmm well then u should never tell any body a secret :)
A secret isnt one if its shared with another. A7san eshy, spare yourself and play on the safe side. write it on a paper, vent into it and burn it.
i adore secrets , and el-7amdellah i know how to keep them ,but sometimes if the same scene happens maybe i will tell the story but without mentioning names ...
Batoul: I know but really sometimes u need some one to listen ...
Dandooneh: u will make this person more anxious to know whom u r talking about :D
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