اذا استمرت الأوضاع في الأردن على هذا المنوال أتوقع خلو الأردن من الأردنيين بعد سنوات قليلة ... الكل رح يطفش من البلد .... الشعب يكاد يختنق من الارتفاع المستمر للاسعار و يمكن ان يكون الارتفاع عالمي، ولكن في باقي الدول هناك توازن بين ارتفاع الاسعار ودخل الفرد أما في الأردن الحمد لله ما في مقارنة
الله يعين الناس
في باقي الدول هناك توازن بين ارتفاع الاسعار ودخل الفرد
exactly same as in qatar ,thats wut i wanted to say ,allah ye3een el-nas ....
Dandooneh: ana aktar eshee ba7zan 3ala el shabab .... welle 3endoo beet w mas2olyaat w ratboo yadoob be2a'6ee laa awal 3 ayaam belshahar ...
مافي شي بالدنيا بيرتفع بالطريقة غير الطبيعية هاي
المشكله فرضو ضريبه من اكمن سنه علشان ما يعومو اسعار المحروقات
في النهايه عوموها وخلو الضريبه
المشكله في ناس لسا بتأيد اللي بسير وبتدافع عن الحكومه..
احنا شعب ما بعرف يحكي لا..
With all due respect, I disagree with you! Regarding the public sectors in our country, the employees there are getting raises and other advantages, for instance, judges in Jordan got a 120% raise on their monthly income! That's great! The government doesn't have full control over the private sector, or no control at all regarding the private sector employees. Tawaqo3ek/ak mish sa77, personally I wouldn't leave Jordan, Utopia isn't applicable here, some countries like the UAE have so many well paying job opportunities, but real estates and housing related things are very expensive there, there's a downside to every country's interior policies, some countries have very high crime rates, other have very high racisim crime rates and the rest struggle with their attempts to end war. Yes a lot of improvement can be done to our interior policies, and the government is working on that, bas il7amdillah!
كلامك صحيح مئه بالمئه
انا هاجرت الى امريكا ولي اخت هاجرت مع زوجها الى دبي واما باقي العائله فقد قدمت اوراقها للهجره الى كندا ..
وصدقي او لاتصدقي الاسعار في امريكا الان ارخص من الاردن
The Judges got 12% raise, fine. What about the rest of the public sector?
Retirees for instance got 30 JDs raise, this doesn't even cover jarrat el.'3az!
The vast majority of the public sector employee's salaries range between 200-300 JDs, how can such a guy ever buy an apartment? How can he ever send his kids to college?
Qwaider: except in Jordan :D
Osama: loooool 5erfaan b3a2el !!! yaaa u r right !
Khouloud: so the government raised the public sectors and forgot that more than half of the community works in private sectors ?? now the employers keep saying that the government said nothing about raising the salaries and it’s up to them … ya salaam they don’t want to give us our salaries in the first place and we want to ask for a raise, even if they did it won’t be enough
about UAE …. Believe me most of my family lives their and although the estates r expensive but their salaries cover them ... Thank god they do work there other wise we would be starving right now
Anonymous: على الأقل في دخل منيح هناك
كمان مرة الله بعين
adoosh: 2e3zefoo 3an el zawaaj 5alas :D
Adoosh: 120% not 12%, huge difference, and no one said the reform won't take time
Simsim: The government can't force people who have their own business to pay their employees more! And all those people who get good salaries in the UAE work in the private sector, the government is doing its best to get investors to start masharee3 here in Jordan so as to ywafrou furas 3amal and good salaries to people, bas bardo they can't force them! Ba3dain il UAE dawleh niftiyyeh, fish wijeh muqaraneh.
khouloud: they can't force the employers to pay more for the employees but they can force the people to pay more !! and lets take Dubai for example ... they don't depend on the oil they depend on projects and investments maybe jordan is not ahead in this thing like Dubai but we have good investments but we have seen nothing good from it since it started ... bas ertefa3 el as3aar el 7amdoellah
don't u think I don't love Jordan it's my country but all what is going on is really unbelievable !
suhad: u remeber one day u wanted to come and work here !!!
nkaan sa5a6ek loooool
miss u :hug:
المشكلة وين بدهم يرورحو...صدقيني هذا الغلاء في كل العالم
Typo ya o5ty :D
You ignored the whole comment w focused on the typo!
abed: I KNOW !! bas fee da5el !!! mesh zay hooon !!!!
Adoosh: walla w ahleen :D
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