I have proved my self that I am a very slow reader .... I've been reading Sophie's world for more than 2 months !! and i still have 150 pages to go !! but i just can’t find time to finish it
It's a book about the history of philosophy ... seems all the philosophers were interpreted same ideas (soul, nature, Ideas, matters) while reading I asked my self a question like Sophie’s
It's a book about the history of philosophy ... seems all the philosophers were interpreted same ideas (soul, nature, Ideas, matters) while reading I asked my self a question like Sophie’s
"And men seem to live in a world of their own. I am more interested in the real world, where there are flowers and animals and children that are both born and grow up. Your philosophers are always talking about "man" and "humans", and now here's another treatise on "human nature." It's as if this "human" is a middle-aged man. I mean, life begins with pregnancy and birth, and I've heard nothing about diapers or crying babies so far. And hardly anything about love and friendship" page - 223
It is very interesting yet boring at some points! Don’t ask me how. I recognized Descartes immediately since we studied some of his work during high school and his famous quote "I think, therefore I am" and for sure the sophist.... they r interesting :D
the last pages i reached a week ago (page - 239) made my mind spin that’s why i left the book and said to my self read when u r fully awake ....
the last pages i reached a week ago (page - 239) made my mind spin that’s why i left the book and said to my self read when u r fully awake ....
3 people suggested this book at the same period of time and i have to say it is worthy...
I read this book long time ago. I don't even remember what is it about :D
It's a good book, yet philosophy didn't really interest me.
and yes you are a slow reader, I've read 3 books in a month and I'm about to finish the 4th one :D
it's bcuz I'm jobless and have nothing better to do, mish tfakroni 3abqareno ya3ni :D :p
Diana: yaa i know because the only time i have to read is before i go to bed maybe half an hour .. and sometimes i look at the book and the quran so the quran wins mostly :D
kefek mam ? :D
yeah, you need time and a mood to read.
I'm ok, missing you (f)
On the list!!
Ola: yaa i recomend it indeed
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