I have to say happy new year cuz it's the tradition but I just want to say al7amdolellah for everything
…. the previous year wasn't the best but also wasn't the worst … I remember the last new year eve I was in my sister's place in sharja sitting with her and her kids my dad and my brother were there also though nothing changed during this year but the places but many thing have changed in me …..
Gazing into the Light
4 hours ago
:wa7ad befarfek 3yonoo mesh msade2 7aloo: is that u 3ammar ??? I can't believe it looooooool no san7ek no nothing loooool
allah yese3dak 3ammar w ynawlak elle fee balak u said u r not lucky but man believe me u r :give:
happy new year to u 2 :f:
May the coming year brings u happiness and success all the way, cuz u deserve the best sweetie.
being away from your beloved ones isn't nice at all :cry:. I know what you're feeling. allah yejma3kon 3an 2areeb.
Happy New Year ya amar (f)
ameeen diana ameen and to all of us ya rab :hug:
thaanx sweets :give:
Happy new year simsim,
be always ur self..w kol 3am w enti b5air..and don't ask me shu el rabe6 el 3ajeeb bain el two sentences above :habool: (F)
looool I won't ask rana I won't loool
yese3dek ya 3asal :hug: and thanx
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