Friday, February 26, 2010

In Memory of the Greatest Man In History

Our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) the man who brought peace and delivered the Greatest message of Islam ........

I’ve always and will always thank Allah for being a Muslim; it is a bless to be a part of Ummet Mohammad (PBUH) especially these days; because we r the Muslims whom he loves the most .... The people who believes in him without seeing him ..... the people who r living in this corrupted world when every body is against Islam and Muslims ..... yet stand for what we believe in !

We can love and celebrate him by remembering his teachings and what he told us to do and Following his Sunnah .... to remember how much he suffered and tortured to deliver us the message ... the greatest massage ....
Islam, and how much he will ask for Allah’s mercy to be upon us in the judgment day

اللـّـهم صلـّــي وسلـّـم وبارك على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين .... ربنا لا تحرمنا من رؤية رسولك الكريم في الآخرة كما حرمنا من رؤيته في الدنيا


Whisper said...

صلى الله على محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم

اللهم امين

كل عام والجميع من الدين اقرب

Anonymous said...

"The man who brought peace"???
When exactly did he do that, as far as I know from my school education here in Jordan, he launched conquests on everyone in the Arabian peninsula and declared war on almost everyone in the world.

This is a serious question:
What makes you say that he brought peace? can you please point out what of his actions makes you believe that, please, I want to know too.

SimSim said...

Whisper: آمين وكل عام وانت بألف خير

Whisper said...


A lot of actions one of them when prophet Mohammed entered Mecca he asked the people what they think he will do to them, they said "you are a dear brother, and ur father was a dear brother too" he told them to go and they are free.

SimSim said...

Wesam: seems they didn't teach u about arabs history before Islam and how Ignorant they were and always in war against each other but with Islamic educations and rules all the wars were just to defend themselves against people who hurt them and were against muslims for no reason (and they were few).... they didn't teach u how arabs became a very strong nation yet they have manners. honesty, kindness, equal rights ! and other things he spread into peoples hearts and this is what make peace ....

unless u have another view of peace that I don't know ! like the peace we have these days where every body is free to kill us because we forgot how to be good muslims and good believers and forgot how to appreciate our great prophet (PBUH)! and we should be happy about it and say nothing !

Ahmad Hamdan said...

عليك أفضل الصلاة والسلام يا رسول السلام, وبضيف عبارة كان يقولها الشيخ عبد الحميد كشك:" سيدي أبا القاسم؛ يا رسول الله، صلى عليك الله يا علم الهدى ما هبت النسائم، وما ناحت على الأيك الحمائم"

Anonymous said...

اللهم صلي وسلم وبارك على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين

Unknown said...

على سيدنا محمد أفضل الصلاة و التسليم...
اللهم اجعلنا من رفقاء النبي صلى الله عليه و سلم في الجنة..

سراج الماضي said...

بأبي أنت و أمي يا رسول الله
من يحب الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم بحق
لا يحتفل بذكراه فقط
بل يمشي على خطاه
أتمنى أن نحاول الإقتداء برسولنا العظيم في كل أمور حياتنا
وشكرا لك يا سمسم على هذه التذكرة الجميلة

Texan after UAE said...

I am so very blessed to reverted to Islam. Alhamdulilah.