After 3 years waiting for the movie .... fiiiiiinnnnnally i watched Angels and Demons .... i was sooooo excited .... don't know how i managed waiting another 10 days after they started showing it in Amman ..... It was good but I think 80% of the book is there ..... few details were missing ..... to be honest i felt more interested and thrilled during reading the book more than watching the movie well sure because i already know every thing ..... especially when i knew the real man behind all the destruction i remember i paused for almost 10 min when i was reading ......
most importantly I enjoyed the movie and the company ........... and ready to watch it again :D
The Journey to Your Fullest Potential
1 week ago
I'm sure it is very entertaining, but due to the way it twists my faith, I will be protesting by avoiding it. Just as I did the first one.
Imagine if they had rewritten Islam's history as it is outlined in this review of A & D:
hi, the book & the movie presents the historical 'war' between the science & religion in a modern view,
but the details that made the story were absent in the movie, that's why i think it was less than the expectation.
I loved the movie too!I watched the movie without reading the book. I went with my friend who has read the book first and she said she enjoyed both! I was astounded to know the plot twist.. I would have wanted to read that!
My friend on the other hand disclosed the details that were mentioned in the movie :D
u know i was afraid 2 watch the movie .. coz every time when they convert a great book into a movie it becomes "msh la6eefeh" y3nee zy ma sar be davinnci code ma 7beeto abdan !!!
nshalla this one is better :) im gonna watch it
kinzi: hiii
when i read the book i was interested in the action, the signs to know more about Rome and the conflict were between the church and science ..... but even me as a Muslim i knew where the twists r and didn't effected by them .... but i understand ur frustration because so many movies and books were made about Islam being spread by the sort ... which is wrong ...
allouh: yaaa so many details were missing !!! a specific details were absent which was important !! that's why reading the book was so much funner ....
gjoez: whyyy !! she shouldn't have to !!! :D
glad u both enjoyed the movie :)
maroo: i actually loved da vinci code maybe cuz I didn't read the book .... but i guess u will love this one ... and not all the books made as movies r bad look at harry potter's :D
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