I think every body is saying ... Offtt stop it with the snow pictures ! they r every where !! but to tell u the truth it's very tempting ! u just can't resist not taking pictures for this lovely weather which will last just for few days .....
Today i couldn't stay home especially that the weather was very nice .. not very cold with the snow covering our yard I had to go out and play even if i played with me :D
I took some lovely pictures

when the girls next door saw me trying to make a snow man they came immediatly ..... hyeee we were waiting for u to come out !! finally u did ..... of curse i invited them over to our garage and they offered to help me .... we had so much fun making it and laughs .... with hot chocolate .... yummmee
this is our garage that turned to be a snow man

when we were making the snow man a lady approached our garage and asked .... where is Miss Asma ? I looked around holding the snow in my hands with a question mark above my head who is miss asma ? everybody was looking at me !! Oh Yaa I am miss Asma !! loool yes how can I help u ? she said ur students Safa' and Wardeh want to say hi .... they couldn't believe that their teacher is playing with the snow !! Oh Hyeee girls .... I gave them a kiss, invited them to play with us but they were very shy .....
I bet I will go to school on sunday and they will be jumping all over the place Miss Asma was playing with the Snow Miss Asma was playing with the snow !!
OH god !! :D
loool... kids are like another world. I bet you're the role model and they all wanna do the same haircut + fashion lool.. so sweet!
not snow again !!! ,am really missing the snow wherever i go topics and pictures are all around !! 3m bitgheezoni mathalan ..
happy snowy week ..
Batoul: Oh more than u can imagine ... they r halirious :D
Dandooneh: u should come we still have snow all over the place :D
thanx sweetie :give:
7ilweh 7aritkom.
hahahahahahaha jad ta7sheesh enty ya miss asma.. o ya shamatet abla zaza feeki :P
love the photos.. mwa
Excelent posting, Sim Sim. Thank you.
have a good day
The 4th pic is just amazing. Great shot!
w ba3deen sho hal m3almeh, 7afzi 3ala razantek shway LOL :D
3adi, I love playing with kids.
mr.anonymous: allah y7alle ayamak thaanx :)
suhad: looooooooooooool shoo a3mall ya3nee :D
miss u yaa gomaarrr and 3yonek el 7elween mwaaaah
david santos: glad u like my post ... u r welcomed :)
Diana: 2aal rakazeh 2aal looooool
thaanx sweetie 3yonek el7elween :hug:
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