It's Unfair !!! most of my family r there and always in contact with each other also uploading nice pictures .... but i really hate this site and can't get along with it : (
i had an account but deactivated it and then they told me to join again (My family is my weakness point) so i am giving it a shot; but still don't like it ....
I guess i will keep my contacts within family members and very close friends ...
الذين يدركون كثيرًا، يحزنون كثيرًا
5 days ago
u know i hate facebook too, coz its so distracting and i cant get any work done :(
thx for the share...
glad to know some one shares the hate feeling with me :D
welcome any time amjad :)
i dont hate facebook but dont like such type of acounts where all can view my friends and private family members. besides it looks like all ppl got nothign to do just sent me "funs" which load my email.
btw simsim, i got a friend whose nickname is also simsim and is half iraqi.
Same Reason i deactivated my account..
Family could see the Pictures that i dont want them to see :P
Davisna: it is annoying .. i give me self a week i guess i will deactivate it again :D
cool :D
i am pure palestinian :P
maher: loool for me i want them to see the pictures :D
shakloo pictures fadaye7 ?! lool
Its not annoying, its pointless, thats all.
i thought i was the only one not on facebook ... i tried it once in fake info .. i dont think i am going to sign up there ..
happy new year :)
zamaaaaaaaaaaaaaan 3nnek :)
w ana kaman ma ba7eb el face book
w 7atta ma ely account 3alee b el marra ,,,
**I hate It ** LOooo000L
Yalla join the club, you're not alone..
I've never logged in to face book :)
I deactivated my account as the first of 2008 resolutions.
So, you all are facebook haters? :D
Simsim why don't u make a group on fa cebook and call it "facebook haters" :P
I used to dislike facebook too, I had no clue what is it all about, but with time I started to like it and find it cool.
I'll create a new group there..."ya3esh al facebook, tasqoo6 simsim"
3ala seret el groups, we have to make el lahw el khafi group there, don't u think samsoom? :D
3ammar tasqo6 la7alak (H)
loooooooooool @ u diana loool btestahal ya 3ammar :P and diana laa walla i didn't think about it bass sounds good idea looooooool
انا كمان بكرة الفيس بوك خاصة ان كل اللى فيه بيتكلموا انجليزى حتى المصريين بحس ان مفيش انتماء وان كل الشباب اتامركت وجايه من عالم تانى واكيد دة كله مش بالصدفة دة كله مقصود لكن السؤال مين اللى عايز العرب يتجهوا للغرب وينسوا حتى يتكلموا بالعربى
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